

优居视界 2023-02-23 17:30:31 阅读量135769

01 热爱 · Passion  


Three pavilions, 4 days exhibition period, 180,000 square meters exhibition scale, 1000+ enterprises, 40+ professionals together, a free, trendy, fashionable, novel visual feast is about to kick off.IMG_256

02 艺境 · Artistic State  

2023年3月3-6日,ART+艺术家瓷砖以“艺术大宅,高雅之境”为主题的展会将在广州设计周首次亮相,本次展位外观设计采用中国传统色调“ 胭脂 ”,以经典的国风元素为主并结合了现代艺术摆件进行点缀,既复古又时尚。

From March 3-6, 2023, ART+ Artist Tile will make its debut at Guangzhou Design Week with the theme of "Art House, Elegant Realm". The booth will be designed in the traditional Chinese color "rouge", with the classic national style elements as the main theme and combined with modern art ornaments for embellishment, which is both retro and fashionable.IMG_257


03 定制 · Customized  


The most eye-catching part of the booth is ART+'s custom-made series of mansions, which brings the interactive concepts of art and design, culture and life into the whole design of mansions. The definition of luxury residence is no longer just "luxury decoration", but a luxury life with more humanistic connotation.IMG_259

从艺术岩板的定制,到地面水刀拼花的设计。大宅设计、大宅风水、大宅工艺, ART+正在重新定义当代中国奢居美学和生活方式,开启当代奢华人居美学新时代。

From the customization of artistic rock panels to the design of waterjet parquet on the ground. With grand house design, grand house feng shui, and grand house craftsmanship, ART+ is redefining contemporary Chinese luxury living aesthetics and lifestyle, opening a new era of contemporary luxury living aesthetics.

04 记忆 · Memory 

ART+艺术家瓷砖一直保持着极致的产品设计高度及敏锐的市场触觉,捕捉最新潮流动态,融合多元领域的时尚文化,跨界艺术品味生活, 在以往的展位中,它的每一次亮相,都能让人耳目一新。

ART+ has always maintained the ultimate product design height and keen market sense, capturing the latest trends, integrating multiple fields of fashion culture, cross-border art taste life, in the past booths, its every appearance, can make people refreshing.


In terms of design, ART+ refuses to be conventional and mediocre, and takes "art of living" as its design concept, integrating humanistic art genes and product functional innovation, and launching ten artist series, which are different in style but together reflect the design aesthetics of corresponding artists.

05 福利 · Welfare  


Finally, March 3-6, Guangzhou Poly World Trade Center 2C10z, ART+ invites you to an artistic visual feast. We won't see you soon.

责任编辑:瓷砖2 来源:优居视界